Julianna’s Fibre Podcast #14 “Bright Grey”

This week’s episode is now up on YouTube.


Filed under Podcast

2 responses to “Julianna’s Fibre Podcast #14 “Bright Grey”

  1. May Olson

    I love your podcasts…thank you for all the info you give us You are very thorough in explaining.I have 2 rigid heddle flip looms and I love weaving…..I crochet and basic knit. I want to learn more about knitting so I have been listening to your podcast and a few others on ITunes.

    • Thank you very much, May! I love to talk about knitting so I’m happy that some people like to listen 🙂 Let me know what podcasts you like, I’m always looking for more to watch and listen to!

Let me know what you think, I'd love to hear from you!